Stephs Playground (4)-1

Session Date

Wednesday 30 October

Start Time text

9:10am - 9:55am


45 minutes


Fresh Lounge


Fresh Lounge

Session Name

Becoming Unf##kwithable - Embracing Change, Choice, and Courage | Andrea Culligan & Franziska Iseli, Fresh Clinics, Workshop

Session Description

In today's fast-paced and unpredictable world, the only constant is change. But amidst uncertainty, we all have a choice: to let circumstances shape us or to rise above them with courage. This session will guide you through a journey of becoming truly unfuckwithable by mastering three powerful forces—Change, Choice, and Courage.

You'll walk away empowered, energised, and equipped with the tools to navigate change with confidence, make choices that feel good, and embrace courage in the face of life's challenges. You'll have your very own roadmap to becoming unfuckwithable—ready to thrive, no matter what comes your way.

Presented by Andrea Culligan & Franziska Iseli

Brough to you by Fresh Clinics